CFP: Stars and Star Systems in Film, Television, Theater and Radio
Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:41:14 +0100
CFP: Stars and Star Systems in Film, Television, Theater and Radio
Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities
vol. 9, no. 1 (Spring 2019)
For the upcoming issue of *Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities*, a
double blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Palacký
University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, we are looking for articles
exploring the theme of *“Stars and Star Systems”*. We invite proposals from
all areas of *Cinema, Television, Theater and Radio Studies* as well as
interdisciplinary submissions from across the humanities, arts and social
sciences. The proposed articles may address one or more of the following
- current state of star studies;
- study of stars and archival research;
- production and evolution of stars in industrial contexts;
- star systems in cinema: Hollywood, Bollywood and beyond;
- star systems in small national cinemas;
- historical development of star systems;
- transnational stardom;
- transmedia and crossover stardom;
- stardom and celebrity in the 21st century;
- reception of stars;
- star contracts;
- case studies of individual stars working in film, television, theater
and/or radio.
Please send your *200-word abstract* by *15 May 2018* to editor Milan Hain
(Department of Theater and Film Studies at Palacký University,
*[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>*). Notifications of acceptance will be e-mailed no
later than *31 May 2018*.
If an abstract is accepted, articles (in English only) are expected to be
5,000 – 8,000 words (including footnotes) and are due *31 October 2018*. Texts
already published or accepted for publication in other journals or books
will not be accepted by the editorial board. Authors of accepted papers
will be e-mailed detailed submission guidelines. The journal will be
published in hard copy in *May 2019*.
About the journal: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities
ISSN: 1805-3742
published three times per year
*Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities* (CSJH) is a peer-reviewed
scholarly journal established in 2011 at Palacký University, one of the
oldest universities in Central Europe. The journal is dedicated to various
fields of the humanities including history, philosophy, visual arts,
theater, film, TV and radio, music, and cultural anthropology. The journal
is intended as a dialogue between the finest Czech and Slovak research and
research abroad and as a forum where innovative approaches and current
topics as well as local themes and previously neglected research are
discussed. CSJH is open to international scholars and guarantees a fair and
accurate reviewing process. In order to reach an international readership,
CSJH publishes the majority of its texts in English. Regular scholarly
papers are particularly welcome, as well as book or conference reviews,
announcements, research projects and reports. CSJH is indexed in ERIH PLUS
and EBSCO.
*Mgr. Milan Hain, Ph.D.*
odborný asistent, vedoucí filmové sekce | assistant professor, area head of
film studies
Katedra divadelních a filmových studií, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci |
Department of Theater and Film Studies, Palacky University Olomouc
Univerzitní 3, 771 80 Olomouc, Czech Republic |
*E-mail: *[log in to unmask] | [log in to unmask]
*GSM: * +420 607 882 245 | *Skype: *milan.hain
*Website: *
25fps <> | Noir Film Festival
<> | Film Noir Blog
<> | Hugo Haas v USA 40–62
*Aktuální kniha | Latest book:* Osudová osamělost. Obrysy filmové a
literární tvorby Václava Kršky
<> (2016)
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