Flow Journal, Volume 12 preview
Fri, 7 May 2010 10:40:53 -0500
As volume 11 comes to a close, the FlowTV staff wanted to give you a
look at what's coming up for Volume 12. Here is a preview of our full
roster of columnists for the volume, which we will begin publishing on
Friday June 4:
Mary Beltrán (University of Wisconsin ? Madison)
Janani Subramanian (University of Southern California)
Kelli Marshall (University of Toledo)
Ann Johnson (California State University ? Long Beach)
Daren Brabham (University of North Carolina ? Chapel Hill)
Melanie Kohnen (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Robert Sickles (Whitman College)
Esteban Del Rio (University of San Diego)
Lisa Coulthard (University of British Columbia)
Konrad Ng (University of Hawai'i)
Bliss Cua Lim (University of California ? Irvine)
Kyle Barnett (Bellarmine University)
Kent A. Ono (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Alex Doty (University of Indiana)
Best wishes,
Flow Editorial Staff
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