Invisible Culture, No. 9: Nature Loving
Tue, 6 Sep 2005 21:23:53 -0400
Invisible Culture, Issue 9: Please Post (apologies for cross postings)
The editors of Invisible Culture are pleased to announce the back-to-school
release of ISSUE 9: Nature Loving
Edited by Lisa Uddin and Peter Hobbs
As Raymond Williams aptly remarked, "the idea of nature contains an
extraordinary amount of human history" - so too, we submit, does the love of
nature. Nature Loving includes essays by Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands, Melissa
Aronczyk, Matthew Roth, Gary Genosko, and Matthew Brower.
Together the five authors examine various aesthetic and political conditions
through which it becomes possible, desirable, or obligatory to get close to
nature. While each essay considers the political and philosophical implications
of this proximity, they do so without undermining the joys of wading through the
wonderful world of animals, plants and habitats. Indeed, the essays in this
issue suggest some of the benefits of staying emotionally and physically
connected to these natures, however culturally specific the connection proves to
Also included in the issue are four new book reviews.
Available online at:
Issue designed and uploaded by Aviva Dove-Viebahn, Lisa Uddin and Peter Hobbs.
For information on upcoming calls for papers, or a list of books available for
review, visit and
click on Submissions.
[Attachment: Press Release-nature lovin'.doc]
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