NEA/NEH (fwd)
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 03:10:25 -0700
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 23:44:38 -0400
From: Michel J. Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list THEATRE <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: NEA/NEH
In the wake of the Republicans wanting to drastically cut the budget, we know
that the NEA and NEH are likely to take prime hits. I want to just remind
all of you to PLEASE write your Senators and Congresspersons. Also, I wanted
to pass this article on to you, which I got out of the Washington Post. This
could be a good compromise with the budget cutters and the arts supporters.
Look it over and encourage your Senators and Congresspersons to look at this
before entirely cutting out the NEA/NEH.
This was taken from the April 10 edition:
by Jacqueline Trescott and Eric Brace
Washington Post Staff Writers
Rep. Pat Williams (D-Mont.) wants to see a real arts endowment in this
country. His proposal: a perpetual trust to fund the National Endowments
for the Arts and Humanities, the Institute for Museum Services, and the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Williams, a stalwart supporter of the arts, introduced legislation
Friday that woud extend authorization for those groups for five years. In
the bill, he also asks his colleagues to establish what he calls the American
Cultural Trust, with a one-time appropriation of $12 billion--roughly 1
percent of the current federal budget.
In a year, Williams said, IMS, CPB, and the endowments would get $700
million from interest on the trust and have financial independence from the
national budget.
At a news conference, Williams said he was confident the reauthorization
process would begin in the House committee after the April recess, and he
predicted eventual success. As for his funding idea, Williams said he had
found "considerable interest" among his Democratic and Republican colleagues
on his legislation the "1Percent for Culture Act."
I have seen nothing about this since I read this article, but I have written
my Congressional representatives about it. Please do the same and pass this
on to any/all supporters of the arts and humanities.
Michael J. Barnes
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