In Media Res: Webcomics Theme Week
Wed, 6 Sep 2017 12:16:20 +0000
This week's In Media Res theme focus is "Webcomics" (September 5 - 8).
Here's the lineup:
Tuesday, September 5 - Safiyya Hosein (Ryerson University) presents "Qahera and the Muslim Woman Narrative."
Wednesday, September 6 - Evelyn Deshane (Waterloo University) presents "Transgender Webcomics."
Thursday, September 7 - Safiyya Hosein (Ryerson University) presents "1001: A Sensitive Retelling of The Arabian Nights."
Friday, September 8 - Rosa Gomez Gonell (Silvia Bastos agencia literaria) presents
"Webcomic Publishing Innovations."
Theme week organized by Soo Keung Jung (Georgia State University).
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The In Media Res Team
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