Tue, 6 Dec 1994 12:08:06 EST
Morining all!
Please exuse this if it is a redundant posting, as the email system here
is sometimes, well, 'haunted'?
And there's something weird about my keyboard too, but alas thats another
I've a friend that is involved in the Wilton Theatre Film Festival, in
Amherst NH. Barbara has requested that I post an annoucemnet that
they are seeking films from independent film makers to be shown at
the festival.
Any one with a film or knowledge of a source of such films please
forward information to myself or Barbara Sansing - email
alias [log in to unmask]
Thank you, and please feel free to distribute the request amongst peers.
The audiance is a very, well, typically ... can be a little snooty?
Hi-brow should I say, and is very into creative counter culters,
self help groups and exploring new forms.
I say this because NH has a tendency to be thought of as Bumkin territory.