Fri, 3 Nov 1995 17:10:41 CST
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Subject: The 20th Poetry-Film/Video Festival
Hi Friends!!
Hope you can make it!
If you want a program just let me know!!!!!!
The 20th Annual Poetry-Film/Video Festival
The 20th Poetry-Film/Video Festival
*General Live Screening I:
Friday, November 3, 7pm
NEW LANGTON ARTS, 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
*General Live Screening II:
Friday, November 17, 7pm
THE EXPLORATORIUM, McBean Theater, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123
*On Channel 52.
The Educational Access Television Station:
The 20TH POETRY FILM/VIDEO Festival highlights airs every Monday Night on SF
Cable Ch. 52 starting at 9:00pm during the entire month of November. Features
entries not shown at general screenings. Watch and cast your vote via the
*November 9
THE Word and Image
Thursday, Nov.9, 7pm - Telepoetics Madness
AT Fort Mason Center in SF and Telepoetics Salon in Hollywood
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