Re: PBS and NPR (Larry Jarvik)
Mon, 20 Feb 1995 17:01:17 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Larry et al-
Where-o-where do your figures come from? 800mil to Sesame Street? I doubt
it....and besides, even if it did, how much of that goes directly to the
CTW, or to Henson Assoc.? Hmmmmm?
As far as Mr. Rodgers, well, if he makes THAT much money, I'd think he'd add
a little production value to the's about time...doncha think?
I would agree to cut funding to SPECIFIC shows, like Barnie that annoying
dinosaur and the bane to parents everywhere, that DO make tremendous amounts
of money on royalties. I'd even go so far as to say they should give back the
seed money that CPB gave them...once they reach a certain level of profit.
But the CPB needs to be there just to get programs like this off the ground.
Was Mr. Rogers making this supposed $2mil 15 years ago? was Sesame Street
this merchandising king 20 years ago (when I watched it)? I don't think
Now that these programs can be self-supported, fine. But if Newt and Larry
and Friends have their way, how could we ensure that there would be any
chance of programs such as these ever being created again? What about the
oh, and Lar-BtW, the name is FreelancR-The 3rd "e" got dropped due to space
constraints, but the "R" stays!;)
"Slash and burn, slash and burn, slash & burn"-Newt Grinch
"Yes we should cut the GI Bill, we don't need it anymore, I'VE already used
it to get MY two degrees" Phil Grammmmm