book research
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 23:25:00 -0800
I am a film journalist who has been writing about the more technical
aspects of theatrical feature filmmaking for more than two decades. I am
presently doing market research for a self-published book of my articles on
the subject of film sound, most of which previously appeared in Mix magazine,
one of the best professional audio magazines in wide circulation. I have
published other articles on filmmaking in American Cinematographer, Studio
Sound (London), Millimeter, In Motion, On Location, Locations, Chaplin
(Stockholm) and Broadcast (London). If you teach film production I would like
you to look at an outline of my book with some sample chapters and tell me
whether it is the kind of book you might assign to your students to use in one
or more production courses you teach. If you do not teach film production
might you suggest a colleague who does? Would you please respond via email
and let me know if you would be willing to help me do market research for this
Yours truly,
Nick Pasquariello
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