Girls Make Media - now in print
Wed, 10 May 2006 15:38:25 -0500
Girls Make Media
by Mary Celeste Kearney
Routledge, May 2006
More girls are producing media today than at any other point in
history, and they are using virtually every format currently
available to do so. Tracing the sites in the United States where
girls' media production is currently encouraged and supported, Girls
Make Media examines the creative expression and identity exploration
of female youth through the films, zines, and websites they produce.
Combining analyses of girl-made media and the communities and social
contexts that inspire their creation and facilitate their diffusion,
Girls Make Media furthers our understanding of not only contemporary
girlhood and girls' culture, but also American popular culture.
Mary Celeste Kearney is Assistant Professor of Radio-Television-Film
at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also Director of
Cinemakids, a program for inspiring young filmmakers.
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