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October 1993


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PATRICK J OCONNELL <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Oct 1993 13:43:22 -0600
text/plain (32 lines)
> Is this what they teach in film schools?
> A New Jersey native, Tom Musca, who attended an unnamed film school in
> Los Angeles, is the producer of recently released film MONEY FOR NOTHING,
> based on an event some years back.  A bag of money fell out of the back
> of an armored truck; the hero, Joey Coyle, picked up the bag.  Now, Joey
> was not a heroic guy, what he was was a meth addict.  Weeks before the
> film was released, Coyle used an electric extension cord to hang himself
> in his basement.
> In an article in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer magazine, Musca is
> quoted: "'It's important not to let the facts get in the way of the
> truth.'"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
> <[log in to unmask]>  <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM>
        Isn't that precisely what they teach?  "The play's the thing,"
especially when it's good boxoffice.  Remember Peter Davis, Michael Moore,
the guys who did BROTHER'S KEEPER; why ask?  Heavens, accuracy and
representativeness are "journalistic," and who would want to be accused is
(Enjoyed your comment/ PJO)
P.J. O'Connell                   814-865-3333 (O)
Penn State University            814-865-3145 (F)
205 Wagner Bldg.                 [log in to unmask]  (Inet)
University Park, PA  16802       76520,1360   (CIS)
*******             "Go fast; take chances."           ********