Re: NEA preservation cuts?
Fri, 4 Nov 1994 11:00:15 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Return-Path: <@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU:[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 22:01:14 EST
>Reply-To: Association for Moving Image Archivists
<[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: "DANCE-HC: Dance Heritage Coalition Listserv List"
<[log in to unmask]>
>From: Christopher Reiner <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: NEA preservation cuts?
>To: Multiple recipients of list DANCE-HC <[log in to unmask]>
>Announcement regarding the effects of funding cuts by the National Endowment
>for the Arts which effect film preservation and media arts -
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>AMIA members requesting further information about the following
>message are encouraged to contact AMIA President-Elect Eddie
>Richmond of the UCLA Film and Television Archive (213-462-4921;
>fax 213-461-6317), or AMIA Secretary Gregory Lukow of the
>National Center for Film and Video Preservation at The American
>Film Institute (213-856-7637; fax 213-467-4578).
>As many AMIA members have heard, the National Endowment for the
>Arts announced on October 24 that it will no longer fund seven of
>its "subgranting" programs, that is, funds given to one
>organization that are then passed through to other artists or
>arts organizations. Together, these seven programs totaled
>$1,655,000 in subgrants funding. Over 70 percent of these funds
>P $1,190,000 P have been cut through the elimination of four
>subgranting categories within the NEA's Media Arts Program (the
>remaining three programs were cut from the Endowment's Music and
>Presenting programs).
>As a result of this action, the following Media Arts subgranting
>categories were suspended as of government fiscal year 1995:
>* American Film Institute/National Endowment for the Arts Film
>Preservation Program: $355,000 in subgrants to preserve and
>restore films of artistic and cultural value;
>* American Film Institute/Independent Film and Videomaker
>Program: $350,000 in subgrants to media artists working in any
>form of film or video;
>* National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture/ Media Arts Fund:
>$170,000 in subgrants to organizations to promote the growth and
>stabilization of the media arts field;
>* Regional Fellowships: $315,000 in subgrants to organizations
>to promote the growth and stabilization of the media arts field.
>The NEA announcement came as a surprise to the moving image
>archival community. No institutions contacted following the
>Endowment's internal announcement of the changes had been
>consulted or given prior warning. In its October 24 press
>release, the NEA stated that the suspension of these subgrant
>awards were made primarily in response to a $2.8 million (two
>percent) cut in the agency's FY95 budget and a government-wide
>mandate to streamline management.
>Although many media arts organizations will continue be eligible
>for direct Endowment support in various program categories, the
>NEA has indicated that it will not maintain its film preservation
>program on a direct-funding basis. The Endowment press
>announcement stated that, although it regrettably will no longer
>continue subgranting with the American Film Institute, it
>recognizes the long and distinguished history and the importance
>of the AFI/NEA Film Preservation Program. The agency further
>stated that it will continue to support AFI on other preservation
>projects and programs, and will "work to encourage private
>sources to help financially in future preservation efforts."
>The AFI/NEA Film Preservation Program has for 27 years supported
>U.S. archives in their nitrate and acetate conversion programs.
>More than $9.5 million has been granted to over 35 archives
>across the country, including the U.S. members of the
>International Federation of Film Archives and a broad range of
>specialized film collections and state and regional archives. The
>grants for 1994 were awarded by a peer panel in June and will be
>announced in November, 1994, by the National Center for Film and
>Video Preservation at The American Film Institute.
>A number of actions in response to the NEA's decision are being
>planned by AMIA, and by The American Film Institute in
>collaboration with its colleagues in the film preservation
>community. The situation will be discussed during an emergency
>session which AMIA has added to the schedule of its annual
>conference in Boston on the evening of Wednesday, November 16.
>(The time of this meeting has not yet been determined.)
>Representatives from the NEA have been invited to participate in
>this special session. The discussion will continue during the
>Open Forum session which follows the association's annual
>business meeting on the afternoon of Thursday, November 17.
>Members of AMIA's Executive Board have been in discussion
>regarding the NEA cuts, and will prepare a written response on
>behalf of the association following the Boston conference.
>The American Film Institute and representatives of the U.S.
>members of the International Federation of Film Archives will
>voice their concerns about the loss of federal preservation funds
>at the next meeting of the National Film Preservation Board on
>November 13-14 in New York. In addition, the AFI Board of
>Trustees Executive Committee sent a letter to NEA Chairman Jane
>Alexander expressing its deep concern over the significant loss
>of media arts resources, and asked for a meeting with her. The
>Chairman has agreed to meet with a delegation from the
>institute's board, and this meeting will be arranged following
>the mid-November meetings of the National Film Preservation Board
>and AMIA.
>As many AMIA members know, the AFI is currently implementing an
>NEA Challenge Grant for film preservation that will award
>$350,000 to the nation's archives for film preservation projects
>during each of the next three years. This program will not be
>effected by the current NEA cuts. However, the AFI challenge
>grant funds were intended to augment the AFI/NEA Film
>Preservation grants during this period, not to replace them. In
>the long-term, the archival community will need to work together
>to restore the funds eliminated by the current NEA actions.
What d'ya say? Think we could increase our taxes by a Nickel more for the
Endowment for the Arts? Maybe even a Dime? Why do they keep cutting the NEA's
budget? The cost is only $.64 per person now... Write!!