Film Stills Archive at MoMA closes
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 12:56:51 -0500
In case members have not seen this information elsewhere--The Museum of
Modern Art's Film Stills Archive, now closed, will be relocated to the
museum's Film Preservation Center in Hamlin, Pennsylvania, next month.
Although the move had been planned--at least since last summer, the film
stills staff was laid off abruptly last week. The collection, reportedly,
will go into "cold storage" for an unspecified period, at least until the
re-opening of the museum, now scheduled for 2005.
The collection is now lost for research and publication; and, with no
staff, there are no announced plans for preservation or further cataloging.
For more information, here are two articles concerning the situation:
Ann Harris
NYU-Cinema Studies Department
Film Study Center and Archive
721 Broadway, room 606
New York, New York 10003
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