New issue of Film & History in the mail this week...
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 09:40:32 -0500
Film & History Special Issue arriving to subscribers this
week.... (htttp://
Television as Historian Part I 30:1 (March, 2000)
The Editor's Reflections and Reports. Peter C. Rollins 1
Television as Historian: An Introduction by Special Editor, Gary Edgerton 7
[Discusses six principles of historiography when it deals with television as
a witness and
interpreter of the past and agent of collective memory.]
Television as Historian, Part I
Loafing in the Garden of Knowledge: History TV and Popular Memory.
Steve Anderson 14
[Discussed: You Are There; Star Trek; Quantum Leap; Meeting of Minds; Dark
brX-Files as they go against the design of historians]
Indy & Dr. Mike: Is Boy to Global World History as Woman is to Domestic
National Myth? 24
Mimi White
[Discussed: The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles; Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman as
Profiles in Courage: Televisual History on the New Frontier. 38
Daniel Marcus
[Discussed: Book version, film version of Profiles in Courage; New Frontier
Drew's Primary as documentary; the blend of history and entertainment]
Connections and Differences: Spatial Dimensions of Television History.
Michael Curtin 50
[Global Village; 1964 Olympic games; Walt Rostow and his famous "Stages of
Economic Growth; Chicago as broadcast center and rivalry with NYC;
third-world struggles with global communications]
Television Reviews
In the 20th Century:A Look at the Millennium through the Eyes of Some of
Most Noted Directors:
Robert Zemeckis' Smoking, Drinking and Drugging in the 20th Century: In
Pursuit of
Happiness. Jennifer L. Tebbe 67
Norman Jewison's Comedy in the 20th Century: Funny is Money.
Marc Oxoby 69
Gregory Nava's On the American Dream in the 20th Century: The American
Hannu Salmi 70
Barry Levinson's Yesterday's Tomorrows. T.V. Reed 71
Karl Marx goes West: Three Westerns from the East: The Sons of Great Bear
(1966); Chingachcook, The Great Snake (1967); Apache (1973).
Jochen Wierich 73
American Photography: A Century of Images. Richard N. Masteller 74
New York: A Documentary Film (1999). Gary R. Edgerton 76
Dear Home: Letters from World War II. Philip J. Landon 79
Sex Sells: The History Channel's History of Sex. Leesa Rittelmann 80
Book Reviews
Mike Malloy. Lee Van Cleef: A Biographical, Film and Television Reference.
Jay Kent Lorenz 82
Gregory William Mank. Women in Horror Films, 1930s and
Women in Horror Films, 1940s. Wendy Donat 83
Jeffrey Ruoff and Kenneth Ruoff. The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On.
Michael S. Shull 84
Jun Xing. Asian America Through the Lens: History, Representations &
Cindy Wong 85
John Leverence. And the Winner Is .... Patrick H. Griffin 86
Michael E. Birdwell. Celluloid Soldiers: Warner Bros.'s Campaign Against
Nazism. Robert Fyne 87
Alan G. Fetrow. Feature Films, 1950-1959: A United States Filmography.
Michael S. Shull 88
Donald R. Stevens, ed. Based on a True Story: Latin American History at the
Movies. Edward J. Gallagher 89
Eugene Jackson. Eugene "Pineapple" Jackson. William Mullin 90
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