Seeking Films with Global Vision
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:44:23 -0600
I am trying to map out possibilities for an undergraduate film course with
the tentative title: "Global Vision: The World in the Cinema" which would
explore a number of films that purport to somehow be 'about the world' in a
synthesizing sort of way. To some extent, these are films that seek to cast
a sort of omniscient eye upon global events, hereby producing
generalizations or seeking commonalities between cultures in relation to
modernization and (ultimately) globalization. My ambition would be to
problematize this type of global vision and situate it in relationshp to
discourses of ethnography, cosompolitanism, and globalization. A few
examples would be Jim Jarmusch "Night on Earth," various films by Godfrey
Reggio, Wim Wenders, "Until the End of the World," and Chris Marker's Sans
Soleil. Through my departmental affiliation I am particularly tasked to give
attention to European cinemas, especially German/French/Italian. Does anyone
have suggestions for other films that would fall under this specialized
category of Global Vision??
Thank you in advance for any random epiphanies! Angelica Fenner
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