Re: "Post-Industrial" MuVids et al....
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 16:03:23 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Talk to anyone who makes Videos and they'll tell you that they're making
art. This can be also said for the crews of commericals and films and even
some corporate/industrial projects (not to mention some wedding
Art, as they say is in the eye of the beholder, AND the creator/artist. Who's
to say that as a Gaffer or as a Shooter that I'm not making art? As a LD, I
paint with light. The fact that I'm helping to create an Image as part of a
program to sell something doesn't matter. I'm helping to create a work of
art, that just also happens to double as a selling tool, or teaching
tool...or whatever....
Please to always remember when critizing something that someone made/woked on
as not being art simply because they were contracted to do it...
MICHAELANGELO was ORDERED to paint the Sistene Chapel.....
Now as far as over-analizing weather or not Music Vidos fall into the
"post-industrial" whatever catagory...STOP NOW! anatytical discussions on art
take away from the work. Music vidoes are simply there for people to enjoy as
a representation of the artist's (the Dir, DP, Musician) vision...simply
that...don't put more into it/them than they's not worth it.
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Video Schmideo!