Docmentary Box #15
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 08:48:56 +0900
The internet edition of Documentary Box, the journal of the Yamagata
International Documentary Film Festival, has gone online. This issue
features an interview with the video activist Tsuchiya Yutaka (whose _The
New God_ is about to be released to the theaters on August 5 in Japan),
discussions with various persons involved in film about the role of
digital technology, an article by the Filipino documentarist/journalist
Howie Severino, and a report on the Jerusalem Film Festival.
The contents are as follows:
1.Documentarists of Japan #13: Tsuchiya Yutaka
2.Documentary in the Age of Digital Reproduction
3.From Small Screen to Big Screen (Howie Severino)
4.The Sixteenth Jerusalem Film Festival (Watabe Minoru)
The English version is available at:
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