CFP second notice: Connected Viewing Theme Issue of Convergence
Wed, 11 Mar 2015 13:44:15 -0700
CFP: Convergence: Special themed issue
Vol 22, no 3 (August 2016)
Connected Viewing: Multi-Platform Media in the Digital Era
Guest Editors: Jennifer Holt and Karen Petruska
This special issue aims to bring together researchers from film,
television, internet, and game studies to examine evolving trends in
connected viewing, an evolution in how screen media is created, circulated,
and consumed. Specifically referring to a multi-platform entertainment
experience, connected viewing also relates to a larger trend across the
media industries to integrate digital technology and socially networked
communication with traditional screen media practices. This special issue
will explore connected viewing as a crucial frame through which we can
understand contemporary media in the digital era.
Connected viewing is more than digital distribution, for it encapsulates
the broader ecosystem in which digital distribution is rendered possible
and new forms of user engagement take shape. Connected viewing is as much
about the aesthetic and social experience of second-screen media as it is
about the intermediaries that deliver content to mobile devices and the
gatekeepers that regulate access. It also extends to those firms and
individuals operating outside of the mainstream who are looking to create
innovative connections to the digital, global, and mobile audience.
This call for papers invites contributions that focus on the evolving
economics, technologies, regulations, texts, and audience practices of
connected viewing. Possible topics may include digital distribution
technologies and platforms; global markets and audiences; the economics of
connected viewing; web series and transmedia content; data collection and
privacy; cloud technologies and internet infrastructure; network
neutrality, internet governance, and other regulatory issues; audience
engagement and fandom.
Contributions on the following questions are welcome, but we are open to
any substantive inquiry:
**What are the historical continuities that limit or expand the landscape
for digital media innovations?
**Legacy companies today compete not only with each other but also with new
entrants like Netflix and Amazon. How is the struggle between these
companies transforming traditional media practices?
**What innovations has connected viewing brought to the production and
circulation of content, especially across platforms? How has this affected
creative labor?
**What are the emerging business models driving connected viewing, and how
might these impact audience practices and priorities (i.e. in terms of
digital divides, affordable content, privacy protections, etc.)?
**What are the most dynamic connected viewing developments in Latin
American, Asian, European, or emerging economic markets?
**Do "independent" companies have a competitive advantage in the connected
viewing market for either film, TV, or games?
**What audiences have the advances of connected viewing left behind,
particularly considering racial, gender, class, and age differences?
Alternatively, how have audiences pushed connected viewing practices
forward in ways media companies have not?
**How is connected viewing transforming ideals of the public sphere and
community life?
Research articles will be in the range of 6,000-8,000 words and all
submissions should be formatted in the SAGE Harvard reference style.
We are also interested in publishing interviews of 3,000-5,000 words with
connected viewing creators, intermediaries, distributors, etc. If you are
interested in conducting an interview for this issue, please email the
editors with a brief description to determine suitability.
Please send submissions of full papers to the editors by 31 July 2015. All
correspondence and submissions to Karen Petruska ([log in to unmask]).
You can read more about Convergence: The International Journal of Research
into New Media Technologies here:
Karen Petruska, Ph.D.
Project Lead, Connected Viewing Initiative
Media Industries Project, Carsey-Wolf Center
4439 Social Sciences & Media Studies Bldg (SSMS)
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4020
Ph: 805-893-2631
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Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite