Re: Remarks concerning Philadelphia
Thu, 24 Feb 1994 02:22:08 -0500
The second thing dealt with the portrayal of the gay community.
The movie tried to promote a new kind of understanding and tolerance of
homosexuals. Hypocritically, however, the movie avoids any direct dealing
with the issue of homosexuality. Sure, they talk about it in the courtroom,
but we only SEE hints of it throughout the movie. I think the most we see
is Tom Hanks's character dancing with his boyfriend. Probably one of the
reasons visual acts of affection between two gay men were not shown is due
to the effect it would have on the movie's acceptance by society. This
sounds pretty hypocritical to me. If you're trying to get the message that
Sorry. If you're trying to get the message across that more tolerance is
needed concerning homosexuality in this world, why succumb to the same
societal norms that have influenced film and media for years?
The writer of the film pointed out that most of the film takes place in
courtrooms, hospitals, and lawyers' offices-places not normally conducive to
romantice displays whatever your sexual orientation.
Daniel Case State University of New York at Buffalo
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