Re: Blow-Ups
Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:57:35 -0500
Don Larsson writes:
>Richard Leskosky suggests:
>"I'm not certain about these but it seems logical for them to have scenes of
>photos in developing fluid: REAR WINDOW and PEEPING TOM."
>Strangely enough, there *isn't* one in REAR WINDOW.
Many thanks for the clarification/correction, Don. At the beginning, as I
now recall, we see photos on the wall and in a magazine of a car race and
crash which James Stewart's character took and which presumably explain his
being in a cast. Later, of course, he observes the goings-on in the
apartment across the way through various lenses, but no darkroom work.
--Richard J. Leskosky
Richard J. Leskosky office phone: (217) 244-2704
Assistant Director FAX: (217) 244-2223
Unit for Cinema Studies University of Illinois
2117 Foreign Languages Building 707 S. Mathews Avenue
Urbana, Illinois
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