Re: AVID off-line
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 08:34:11 -0500
At 11:09 AM 94.12.5 -0500, Ian Noe wrote:
>point is, if you shoot it on video, you have made a video (not a film),
>and I don't see the point of wasting the cellulloid (which is
>photo-chemical not magnetic or digital).
There are very good reasons that hardly waste celulloid if it gets people
to watch your work. As a film festival coordinator, I see a deeply
engrained prejudice against video. This becomes institutionalized in the
film festival circuit, where video is too often structured as second-class.
In recent years, I've seen more and more artists using video for the
production (otherwise they could hardly accomplish the project in the first
place) and then transferring the tape to film for the festivals. If they
don't, they're restricted to the video festivals (which are wonderful, but
relatively small and few), and most film festivals will pass on their work.
I think this prejudice is institutionalized in the distribution system for
independent work as well. For this reason, the simultaneous development of
professional level tape to film transfers and the low-tech versions of
software like Avid are both crucial.
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival