Flow Conference 2016 Call For Questions
Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:41:12 -0600
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for roundtable question
submission for the 2016 Flow Conference is February 26, 2016.
Since its inception, Flow has encouraged scholars to identify and engage
with current trends, patterns, and developments within television and
contemporary media. Continuing this proud tradition, the conference
welcomes questions addressing recent topics in television and new media
studies. As this year’s conference marks the tenth anniversary of the first
Flow conference, we especially welcome questions that survey television’s
development over the past decade in addition to those questions which look
forward and make links with key innovations in new media.
If you would prefer to submit a topic or theme for discussion instead of a
question, please feel free to do so. We appreciate your contribution to the
discussion we hope the 2016 Flow Conference will generate. Questions should
be no longer than 300 words. You may submit a question using this form:
We’re happy to answer any general questions regarding the conference, and
encourage you to visit our conference website:
The 2016 Flow Conference will be held in Austin, TX, September 15-17, 2016.
Following submission, the questions may be edited to ensure fluidity and
consistency in the conference’s larger objectives.
We look forward to hearing from you.
2016 Flow Conference Programming Coordinators
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