Syllabus Search
Tue, 25 Oct 1994 07:02:50 CST
I'm working on developing a film/TV studies resource on the
Internet--something that will extend the work of SCREEN-L. This new
project is called SCREENsite and will be available through the World Wide
One part of it will be a syllabus collection. In specific, I'm looking for
strong syllabi (especially ones with extensive bibliographies) on:
1. Gender and film/TV
2. Experimental film/video
3. Race and film/TV
4. Gay/lesbian film/TV
5. National cinemas/TV systems (non-US SCREEN-Litarians: Help, please!)
6. Graduate seminars on specialized topics
7. Film/TV genres
8. Film/TV history and historiography
9. Director studies
And I'm very open to other submissions.
All you'd have to do is e-mail me a text (ASCII) version of it. Please
take care to address it to me personally ([log in to unmask]) and not
to SCREEN-L (i.e., do not simply REPLY to this message). I'll take care of
the rest.
Oh yes, please include a short note about your institutional affiliation
with your syllabus as they will be identified in the following manner:
Course title, professor's name, college's name
And please feel free to pass this request around to non-SCREEN-L educators
that you think might be interested in sending something my way.
Jeremy Butler
SCREEN-L Coordinator [log in to unmask]
Telecommunication & Film Dept. * University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa