Reply to Reopening SCREEN-L to ALL Posters?
Tue, 14 May 91 22:07:38 -0400
>So what do you think, SCREEN-L members, shall we risk the loops and open
>things up again?
I admit that my feelings about this aren't terribly strong, but I
nevertheless say: why not throw caution to the wind, and RISK
THE LOOPS! (I don't really know if it's a good idea or not, but
"Risk the loops" has such a nice ring to it!)
>P.S. And what's been going on out there, anyway? Things have been
>awfully quiet since final exam season rolled around.
Also, this list seems to be in a see-saw with the MassComm Hotline
of Comserve. When SCREEN-L first appeared, MassComm (which had been
EXTREMELY active) suddenly became remarkably quiet. Lately, things
on MassComm have really been picking up steam again (on a number of
diverse topics), and now it's SCREEN-L that seems quiet. Are we all
just the same bunch of folks who talk about some stuff on one list
for awhile, and then (for whatever reason) we bounce over to another
list for awhile, etc.? I've often wondered about the overlap in
membership between SCREEN-L and MassComm; maybe Jeremy and Tim have
some quick way to tell whether or not we're mostly the same people.
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