CFP Announced for UC-HRI/Vectors/IML Summer 2010 NEH Institute
Thu, 11 Feb 2010 10:33:21 -0800
USC's IML, the electronic journal /Vectors/, and UC-HRI/ /are pleased to
announce a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Program for
summer 2010 designed to foster innovative multimedia research. Titled
"Broadening the Digital Humanities," the Institute will offer scholars
the opportunity to explore the benefits of interactive media for
scholarly analysis and authorship, illustrating the possibilities of
multimodal media for humanities investigation. Fellows participating in
the program will learn both by engaging with a variety of existing
projects as well as through the production of their own project in
collaboration with the /Vectors/-IML team. The projects fellows create
will at once enrich their own understanding of the digital humanities
and model the field for other scholars. Select projects will be
published in /Vectors/ and other venues.
For more information, please visit our submissions page at
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