An Interesting Petition....
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 11:10:22 -0000
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 11:53:48 -0000
From: "jerryveneman" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Abby
Hi people
My name is Jerry Veneman and I run the blaxploitation mailinglist
from yahoo.
I've got something you might be interested in.
I've started a petition together with actress Carol Speed to get the
long lost blaxploitationclassic "Abby" released on dvd.
Abby is the story of a black woman (Carol Speed) who is possessed by
an African demon. She then transforms from a nice minister's wife
into a foulmouthed monster. It's directed by William Girdler.
Warner Bros. took legal action against the film, because it was too
similar to "The Exorcist" and had it pulled from theaters after a
short two week run. In 1978 WB lost their lawsuit, but Abby was
never re-issued again.
Fans of this movie had to rely on blurry expensive bootlegs to see
this gem.
Leading actress Carol Speed (Black Samson, The Mack, Savage) already
signed the petition.
I would appreciate it if you can get as many people interested to
sign it.
To sign it, go to
Please send this to other people who are interested. We need as many
signatures as possible.
p.s. Do you have any tips on who else I should contact for the
Dr. Mikel J. Koven
Department of Theatre, Film and TV
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
SY23 3RD
[log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Larsson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: films most frequently broadcast on TV ??
> Stanley Conrad wonders:
> > Does anyone know whether a list of the films most frequently broadcast
on TV
> > has been compiled, somewhere, by someone?
> >
> > I presume individual broadcast networks could come up with lists of
> > own most-frequents, but is there a way to get a more global picture?
> >
> > I suspect the question needs some kind of limits (e.g. geographic) so I
> > presume we're really interested in American film, broadcast by U.S.
> > television stations/networks.
> >
> > We're totally stumped here as to how we might proceed to track this info
> > down ...
> I'm not sure how to track it down either, but a few thoughts might help
> to set some limits:
> Network (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcasts of "Movies of the Week" in place of
> regular series programming only began in the mid-1960s, aside from the
> occasional serialized Disney film on the various versions of the "World
> of Disney," and such special events as the annual showing of THE WIZARD
> OF OZ. Aside from a few pre-cable "super-stations" like WOR, WGN and
> WTBS, I suspect that most programming of the most film showings will
> turn out to be local, up until the 1970s or later. Of course, with the
> proliferation of cable and satellite channels (including subscription
> channels like HBO and pay-per-view), the question becomes a very
> different one!
> Local stations might broadcast the same film several times a week. One
> NY station had an afternoon "Million Dollar Movie" that showed the
> same film at least once each day, Monday-Friday. I suspect similar
> multiple broadcasts occured in other large markets. Local stations,
> especially independents, might have two or three or more films
> broadcast in a day. Even network affiliates might have more morning,
> afternoon, and late-night film shows in the era before network
> programming took up most of the day and night.
> For a long time, the most frequently broadcast films were likely to be
> older movies whose copyright had lapsed (which accounts for the sudden
> proliferation and new popularity of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE by the late
> 1960s). Horror and SF films, B Westerns (including such serial heroes
> as Hopalong Cassady, Roy Rogers and Gene Autrey), Tarzan movies, etc.
> often had their own special niches, such as the "Monster Chiller Horror
> Theater" parody by Second City TV, in many individual markets.
> And if you want to count short films, then Popeye cartoons and the
> Three Stooges may be in front of everything else!
> Don Larsson
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Donald F. Larsson, English Department, AH 230
> Minnesota State University
> Mankato, MN 56001
> ----
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