In Media Res - Media and the Occult
Mon, 5 Dec 2016 12:36:25 +0000
This week's In Media Res theme focus is Media and the Occult (December 5 - December 9).
Here's the lineup:
Monday, December 5 - Heather Lusty (UNLV Honors College) presents "The Spectacle of the Occult: Symbolism and Ritual in Contemporary Music."
Tuesday, December 6 - Michael Frazer (Auburn University) presents "Ritualistic Embodiment in Fever Ray's 'When I Grow Up.'"
Wednesday, December 7 - Kate Morgan (Journalist/Critic) presents "Domicile as Expression of Individual Will and Agency in Anna Biller's 'The Love Witch.'"
Thursday, December 8 - Dana Och (University of Pittsburgh) presents "Satanic Panic at Sleepaway Camp: Freeform's Dead of Summer."
Friday, December 9 - Evelyn Deshane (Waterloo University) presents "Haunted Photography: Barthes' Camera Lucida and the Transgender Before/After Image."
Theme week organized by Matt Smith (Georgia State University).
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