Re: International Discussion and Sub-titling
Sat, 18 Mar 1995 10:47:29 CST
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In article <[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] writes:
>> Ever heard of the "Verfremdungseffekt" ? Btw, it is very fashionable for
>> many german stars, if there are any, to do commercials. So it must not have
>> any haut gout.
ER, well, I heard of that thing, but always thought of it as a consciously
applied artistic device, and not as a by-product of certain distribution
convention. Anyway - I'm not saying that THIS particular "Verfremdungseffekt"
isn't funny, but it just damages appreciation of films, sometimes.
Another damage, BTW, is that I often have serious troubles in finding
out which famous film English or American or otherwise international
friends are talking about - in Germany or Austria, they even translate
titles (in Japan, they do that too, sometimes, but the films themselves
are usually sub-titled).
>> Sometimes I am lazy.
Who isn't?
>> You allways know that it is only amovie and let imagination take over or not
This presupposes that the precise form of dialogue is utterly irrelevant
for the film in question. If I know that a director places much
relevance upon the exact wording of his dialogues, I want to be able
to appreciate that. And if I'm not able to do that, I want this
inability to be my own (i.e. my lack of language ability), but not
one which is caused by extraneous influences (somebody's decision
"let's dub the film").
"Only a movie"? What a joke!
Birgit Kellner
Institute for Indian Philosophy
University of Hiroshima