Update on 'Visuals in Protest, Terror, Conflict and War' and CFP IAMHIST Conference 2022
Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:04:50 +0000
Dear all,
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the concerning situation regarding the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, the IAMHIST Council has made the decision to move the one-day symposium, 'Visuals in Protest, Terror, Conflict and War' (Volda University College, 14 January 2022), and integrate it within the IAMHIST Conference, 'Conflict Resolution and the Media', to be held in-person between 12 and 14 July 2022.
Call for Papers, 'Conflict Resolution and the Media', IAMHIST Conference 2022:
The deadline to submit your paper or panel proposals to the conference committee is 10 January 2022. Details on the conference theme and hoe to submit your abstracts can be found here: Call for Papers: IAMHIST Conference 2022 |<http://iamhist.net/2021/11/call-papers-iamhist-conference-2022/>
The conference theme this year is CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND THE MEDIA. Scholars of media history, more other than not, have looked at the role of media in times of conflict, revolution, war, crisis, social and political upheaval. Yet, media has also played a decisive role in processes of conflict resolution. As such, media in one way or another affected nation building processes, the fight for civil rights, equalities, the reconciliation of former enemies, the democratisation of totalitarian states and peacekeeping missions around the world. Examples include European integration after the Cold War, the end of Apartheid in South Africa, democratisation processes after military dictatorships in South America or the empowerment of minorities.
The conference invites academics and practitioners from all relevant disciplines to take part in a timely conversation about the historical role of media in conflict and conflict resolution, from the film and broadcasting industries and the press, to new media, social media and advertising. In addition to presentations, the conference will include film screenings, events geared towards PhD and early-career scholars, social events, and a roundtable on the subject of the conference.
Proposals are welcome on, but not limited to, the following topics:
* Media representations and examples of conflict resolution, consolation and reconciliation processes
* Media reception and its positive impact upon social coexistence and the integration of society
* The role of alternative or oppositional media and the challenging of power, injustice and inequality
* Examples of how media circumvented censorship, regulation and offence
* Media education and learning initiatives
* The role of public service broadcasting in sustaining citizenship and civil society
* Case studies of how media content has stimulated creativity and cultural excellence
* The role of soft power: how media helped improving international relations through the means of public diplomacy and intervention
Best wishes,
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