Re: adolescent films
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 14:07:20 -0500
I am a big fan of McCuller, but I would not suggest the Zimmerman version
for teens--it is stage bound and slow--although it is an excellent film
with fine performances. I have shown it in a college classroom at it did
rather well.
Unfortunately, the Alfre Woodard version is a disappointment--a real bore.
>don't forget carson mcculler's member of the wedding. Fred zimmerman
>directed julie harris and ethel waters in the 1956 film. it might be a
>good way to introduce gender and racial issues. i've never seen it, but i
>understand there is a tv-movie of the same novella with alfre woodard and
>anna paquin.
>Keith Blay wrote:
>> I am teaching a course this summer for the first time comparing
>> literature to film for seventh and eighth graders (13-14 year olds). I
>> am looking for films adapted from stories ( preferably short stories)
>> suitable for this age group. with quality adaptions into film. Any
>> suggestions or favorites?
>> I would really appreciate any help you can give.
>> ----
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