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March 1995, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
edwin jahiel <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 18 Mar 1995 13:23:19 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I ran into the following statistics and I think that they might be useful
to individuals as well as film lists in which "foreign" (i.e. non-English
language films) are being discussed.
The full list follows (minus the 1980 figures)
Language        Total speakers  Percentage Change
used at home    over age 5      between 1980 and 1990
                in 1990
Spanish        17,339,000       UP 50.1 %  SUPER-CHAMPION IN SHEER NUMBERS
French          1,703,000       UP 8.3 %     SEE ALSO FRENCH CREOLE
German          1,547,000       down 3.7 %
Italian         1,309,000       down 19.9 %
Chinese         1,249,000       UP 97.7 %
Tagalog           843,000       UP 86.6 %
Polish            723,000       down 12.4 %
Korean            626,000       UP 172.2 %
Vietnamese        507,000       UP 127.2 %
Portuguese        430,000       UP 19.0 %
Japanese          428,000       UP 25.o %
Greek             388,000       down 5.4 %
Arabic            355,000       UP 57.4 %
and related       331.000       UP 155.1 %
Russian           242,000       UP 38.5 %
Yiddish           213,000       down 33.5 %  CHAMPION LOSER;BUT SEE HEBREW
Thai              206,00       UP 131.6 %
Persian           202,000       UP 84.7 %
French Creole     188,000       UP 654.1 %  THE RUNNER-UP;SEE ALSO FRENCH
Armenian          150,000       UP 46.3 %
Navajo            149,000       UP 20.6 %
Hungarian         148,000       down 17.9 %
Hebrew            144,000       UP 45.5%    SEE YIDDISH
Dutch             143,000       down 2.6 %
Mon-Khmer         127,000       UP 676.3 %  THE CHAMP IN GAINS
TOTAL             31,845,000 (from 23,446,000 in 1980) UP almost 38 %