Re: SME@100
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:52:37 -0600
On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:32:13 -0500 Blaine Allan <[log in to unmask]>
>On editing, Don Larsson mentioned,
>Depending on how far back you want to go, you should consider
>Eisenstein's FILM FORM and THE FILM SENSE.
>Was I asleep at the switch, or did SCREEN-L miss commemorating the
>centenary of S. M. Eisenstein's birth, on the 23rd of January?
Also coming up this year (29 August), the centenary of Preston Sturges's
And, my oh my, could they ever have made an interesting film together.
Apparently, a celebration of Sturges is planned for Cannes this year. No
word on a similar gig for SME.
P.S. Asleep at the switch? You, Blaine? Never!
Jeremy Butler
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Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
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