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April 2000, Week 1


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Darryl Wiggers <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 08:13:47 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
>Out of interest, does anyone know of any cinema (in the world will do,
>though I may not be able to get there) that has working horizontal-motion
>Vistavision projectors and still uses them?  I've always been intrigued as
>to what the format actually looks like in projection.

This might make you drool, Leo.

See if you can find a documentary called 'Keepers of the Frame' (don't have
distrib info at my fingertips now, but I know Dennis Doros at Milestone
helped with supplying archival footage and SHOULD have been the
distributor). There's a scene of a chap in the States (L.A. I think) who
owns and operates his own Vista-Vision cinema -- in his living room! He
shows how he operates all three projectors by himself, and gives a
demonstration of what it looks like... even from the perspective of a TV
doc, featuring a very pink print, it looked marvelous. I mean, who wouldn't
want a VistaVision cinema in their living room?


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