Popular Culture in the Digital Age
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 19:32:16 EDT
I wanted to alert you to the following conference which will be of great
interest to academics who want to better understand how digital media are
impacting the forms of culture they are studying. I hope I will see many of
you in this delightful New England sea town for an important exchange about
the future of our culture.
1999 Camden Technology Conference
Pop!Tech: Popular Culture in the Digital Age
When: Oct. 22-24, 1999
Where: Camden, Maine
The Core Concept: Popular culture has always been a pervasive force in our
society. In a very real way, it is the battlefield on which we are fighting
the great issues of our time, in politics, religion, ethics, values. Now,
popular culture has merged with an immensely powerful new force, a magnifier
of every medium: digital technology. The result is pop!tech, an
unprecedented phenomenon. What does this mean for our society today and
tomorrow? Can we -- should we -- attempt to guide or control Pop!Tech, and,
if so, how? Pop!Tech's growing momentum is visible in movies, television,
music, advertising, publishing, radio, in fact in all the mass media. It is
the very foundation of our newest medium, cyberspace. All this raises a
number of important questions for every thoughtful person, and answering
these questions will be the main goal of our conference.
The Schedule: Topics and schedule are subject to change.
Thursday, October 21
Reception Meet the Speakers @ Camden Public Library
Friday, October 22
How is technology redefining popular culture? Henry Jenkins
How are values affected by popular culture? Pat Cadigan
Pop culture & learning: oil & water or ham & eggs? Elliot Soloway | Chris Cerf
Time, memory and the new media Stewart Brand | Pedro Meyer
Who can or should control popular culture? John Perry Barlow
Pop!Tech Schmooze @ Owls Head Transportation Museum
Noel Paul Stookey (Paul of Peter, Paul & Mary)
Saturday, October 23
Who owns the future of Pop!Tech? Virginia Postrel | Rosemary Coombe
Who will be popular culture's new billionaires? Lou Mazzucchelli | John Sculley
Cyberspace Ice Cream Social
How is the digital age transforming the creative arts? Paul Godwin | Janet
Personal identity in a Pop!Tech world Sandy Stone | Erika Muhammad
How "civilization" can survive in a Pop Culture world Alan Kay
Sunday, October 24
Pop!teens: what do they think, do, & believe? Christopher Ireland | Brenda
The future of play in the digital age J.C. Herz | Michael Hawley
Pop!Tech Rap*Up Bob Metcalfe
Price: $995
To register call 888-877-3128
When registering, please use the following code: 1155
We have a limited number of seats available for academics at a special price
of $495
To qualify for that price, you must fax your request on organizational
letterhead to 207-236-7797
Q: OK, so what's an academic?
A: ac·a·dem·ic, "a-k&-'de-mik"
noun, Merriam Webster
a member of an institution of learning
For the latest information, see http://www.camcon.org/
Henry Jenkins
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