Re: Italian Women Directors >Liliana Cavani
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 07:50:19 +0400
Yes, Cavani did such a film and its quite "good" actually -- I've seen on
film print but it is also available on video in alternative video stores.
Abdullah AlMaaini
Film Critical Studies, UCLA
At 09:02 PM 1/8/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello! I believe Liliana Cavani did a film about Nietzsche and Lou
>Andreas-Salome called BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL but I've never been able to find
>it. Is anyone familiar with the film ? Is it available?
>Kathleen J. Wininger, Ph.D.
>Associate Professor
>Department of Philosophy
>University of Southern Maine
>Portland, ME 04104-9300 U.S.A.
>tel (207) 780-4928
>fax (207) 780-4226
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