Calls for Summer IMR Curators
Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:07:44 +0000
In Media Res is pleased to announce our upcoming calls for curators for Summer 2013 theme weeks:
Brush Up On Your Shakespeare<> (deadline April 26)
E-Sports<> (deadline May 2)
Tom Cruise<> (deadline June 30)
I CAN HAZ WEBCAM<> (deadline July 7)
For more information, please visit our website at
Academics, journalists, critics, media professionals and fans are all welcome to submit proposals.
The actual curated piece should include a 30-second to 3-minute clip, an image, or a slideshow accompanied by a 300 to 350 word response to/contextualization of the clip, image, or slideshow. In addition to curating your piece, you will be asked to engage with the other pieces presented that week as a means of fostering discussion and further fleshing out the individual topic in relation to the week's theme.
***Reminder: We recently phased out our weekly email to our mailing list members. However, you can still keep up-to-date on all IMR happenings and current theme weeks by liking us on Facebook<> and following us on Twitter<> (@MC_IMR)!
For more information, please contact In Media Res at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or email the Coordinating Editor, Alisa Perren, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
The In Media Res Team
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