Film-Philosophy CFP 2005
Fri, 2 Sep 2005 00:15:55 +0100
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/////////////// F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
///////// International Salon-Journal
//////////////////// ISSN 1466-4615
//////// PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD
Over the course of 2005/2006 Film-Philosophy will be publishing a
number of issues containing extended review-articles on recent
publications in the following areas: Continental Film Philosophy;
Analytical Film Philosophy; Cultural and Popular Film Philosophy; and
Interpretation, Aesthetics, and World Cinema.
Thus Film-Philosophy seeks reviewers for the following books in these
areas -- PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE, but contact the
respective editor for each area.
Call for Review-Articles for Special Issues on
Editors: Sarah Cooper (Kings College London), David Martin-Jones (St
Andrews University), Douglas Morrey (University of Warwick), and
Benjamin Noys (University College, Chichester)
If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as
soon as possible to Benjamin Noys <[log in to unmask]>
(mailto:[log in to unmask]). By all means indicate alternative book
choices in order of preference. Please include a brief statement of
interest and experience, as this will aid in the selection process.
And don't forget your prefered postal address. Deadline for Texts
(2-6,000 words): 6 February 2006 (or 3 months from receipt of book).
Chateau, _Cinema et philosophie_ (2003)
Constable, _Thinking in Images: Film Theory, Feminist Philosophy and
Marlene Dietrich_ (October 2005)
Doane, _The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the
Archive_ (2003)
Egoyan and Balfour, eds, _Subtitles: On the Foreignness of Film_ (2004)
Ehrat, _Cinema and Semiotic: Peirce and Film Aesthetics, Narration,
and Representation_ (2005)
Fuery, _Madness and Cinema: Psychoanalysis, Spectatorship and Culture_ (2003)
Godard, et al., _Cinema: The Archaeology of Film and the Memory of A
Century_ (2005)
Heme de Lacotte, _Deleuze: philosophie et cinema_ (2001)
Hockley, _Cinematic Projections: The Analytical Psychology of C. G.
Jung and Film Theory_ (2003)
Indick, _Movies and the Mind: Theories of the Great Psychoanalysts
Applied to Film_ (2004)
McCormick and Guenther-Pal, eds, _German Essays on Film_ (2004)
McGowan and Kunkle, eds, _Lacan and Contemporary Film_ (2004)
Marrati, _Gilles Deleuze: Cinema et Philosophie_ (2003)
Michaud, _Aby Warburg and the Image in Motion_ (2004)
Morin, _The Cinema, or the Imaginary Man_ (2005)
Mulvey, _Death 24 x a Second_ (November 2005)
Nancy, _The Ground of the Image_ (November 2005)
Perniola, _Art and Its Shadow_ (2000)
Pisters, _The Matrix of Visual Culture: Working with Deleuze in Film
Theory_ (2003)
Raessens, _Filosophie en film: Vivre la difference: Deleuze en de
cinematografische moderniteit_ [in Dutch] (2001)
Sabbadini, ed., _The Couch and the Silver Screen: Psychoanalytic
Reflections on European Cinema_ (2003)
Smith, ed., _Impossible Presence: Surface and Screen in the
Photogenic Era_ (2001)
Sobchack, _Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture_ (2004)
Call for Review-Articles for Special Issues on
Editors: Richard Stamp (Bath Spa University) and Damian Peter Sutton
(Glasgow School of Art)
If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as
soon as possible to Damian Peter Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
(mailto:[log in to unmask]). By all means indicate alternative book
choices in order of preference. A brief statement of interest and
experience will aid in the selection process. And don't forget your
prefered postal address. Deadline for Texts (2-6,000 words): 6
February 2006 (or 3 months from receipt of book).
Anderson and Anderson, eds, _Moving Image Theory: Ecological
Considerations_ (2004)
Brereton, _Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema_ (2005)
Carroll and Choi, eds, _The Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures:
An Anthology_ (2005)
Cavell, _Cavell on Film_, edited by Rothman (2005)
_Film and Philosophy_, vol. 7, 2003 [General Interest Edition]
_Film and Philosophy_, vol. 8, 2004 [Ethical and Existential Themes in Cinema]
Goodenough and Read, eds, _Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema After
Wittgenstein and Cavell_ (September 2005)
Grodal, Larsen, and Laursen, eds, _Visual Authorship: Creativity and
Intentionality in Media_ (2004)
Laugier and Cerisuelo, eds, _Stanley Cavell: Cinema et philosophie_ (2001)
McGinn, _The Power of Movies: How Screen and Mind Interact_ (December 2005)
Singer, _Three Philosophical Filmmakers: Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir_ (2004)
Smith, _Film Structure and the Emotion System_ (2003)
Wartenberg and Curran, eds, _The Philosophy of Film: Introductory
Text and Readings_ (2005)
Call for Review-Articles for Special Issues on
Editors: Jon Baldwin (London Metropolitan University) and Catherine
Constable (Sheffield Hallam University)
If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as
soon as possible to Jon Baldwin <[log in to unmask]>
(mailto:[log in to unmask]). By all means indicate alternative book
choices in order of preference. A brief statement of interest and
experience will aid in the selection process. And don't forget your
prefered postal address. Deadline for Texts (2-6,000 words): 6
February 2006 (or 3 months from receipt of book).
Blessing and Tudico, _Movies and the Meaning of Life: Philosophers
Take on Hollywood_ (2005)
Conard, ed., _The Philosophy of Film Noir_ (2005)
Conard and Skoble, eds, _Woody Allen and Philosophy_ (2004)
Dimendberg, _Film Noir and the Spaces of Modernity_ (2004)
Gibson, ed., _More Dirty Looks: Gender, Pornography, and Power_ (2004)
Gilmore, _Doing Philosophy at the Movies_ (2005)
Gormley, _ The New Brutality Film: Race and Affect in Contemporary
American Cinema_ (2005)
Grau, ed., _Philosophers Explore The Matrix_ (2005)
Hills, _The Pleasures of Horror_ (2005)
Irwin, ed., _More Matrix and Philosophy_ (2005)
Kapell and Doty, eds, _Jacking into the Matrix Franchise: Cultural
Reception and Interpretation_ (2004)
King, ed., _The Spectacle of the Real: From Hollywood to Reality TV
and Beyond_ (2005)
Lawrence, _Like a Splinter in Your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the
Matrix Trilogy_ (2004)
Page, _Film and Philosophy: Images of Wisdom_ (2005)
Powell, _Deleuze and Horror Film_ (2005)
Rowlands, _The Philosopher at the End of the Universe: Philosophy
Explained Through Science Fiction Films_ (2004)
Schneider, ed., _Horror Film and Psychoanalysis_ (2004)
Schneider, _New Hollywood Violence_ (2005)
Schneider and Williams, eds, _Horror International_ (2005)
Call for Review-Articles for Special Issues on
Editors: David Martin-Jones (St Andrews University), John Mullarkey
(University of Dundee), and David Sorfa (Liverpool John Moores
If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as
soon as possible to David Sorfa <[log in to unmask]>
(mailto:[log in to unmask]). By all means indicate alternative
book choices in order of preference. A brief statement of interest
and experience will aid in the selection process. And don't forget
your prefered postal address. Deadline for Texts (2-6,000 words): 6
February 2006 (or 3 months from receipt of book).
Anderson, _Edward Yang_ (2005)
Andrew, _10_ (2005)
Beugnet, _Claire Denis_ (2004)
Bird, _Andrei Rublev_ (2004)
Blakesley, ed., _The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on
Film_ (2003)
Bordwell, _Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging_ (2005)
Bordwell, _Storytelling on the Screen: Three Dimensions of Film
Narrative_ (2004)
Brunette, _Wong Kar-Wai_ (2005)
Child, _This Is Called Moving: A Critical Poetics of Film_ (2005)
Chion, _The Thin Red Line_ (2004)
Cook, _Screening the Past: Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema_ (2005)
Downing, _Patrice Leconte_ (2004)
Edwards, _A Companion to Luis Bunuel_ (2005)
Elena, _The Cinema of Abbas Kiarostami_ (2005)
Foster, _Identity and Memory: The Films of Chantal Akerman_ (2003)
Furby and Randell, eds, _Screen Methods: Comparative Readings in Film
Studies_ (2005)
Gibbs and Pye, eds, _Style and Meaning: Studies in the Detailed
Analysis of Film_ (2005)
Kickasola, _The Films of Krzysztof Kieslowski: The Liminal Image_ (2004)
Lynch, _Lynch on Lynch_ (2005)
Mellen, _In the Realm of the Senses_ (2004)
Morrey, _Jean-Luc Godard_ (2005)
O'Pray, _Film, Form and Phantasy: Adrian Stokes and Film Aesthetics_ (2004)
Rosenbaum, _Essential Cinema: On the Necessity of Film Canons_ (2004)
Rosenbaum and Martin, eds, _Movie Mutations: The Changing Face of
World Cinephilia_ (2003)
Sundholm, ed., _Gunvor Nelson and the Avant-garde_ (2003)
Tarr, _Reframing Difference: Beur and Banlieue Filmmaking in France_ (2005)
Teo, _Wong Kar-Wai: Auteur of Time_ (2005)
Temple, Williams, and Witt, _For Ever Godard_ (2004)
Yeh and Davis, _Taiwan Film Directors_ (2005)
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE, but contact the respective
editor for each area.
Please read our Guide for Authors at:
To join the salon, and receive the journal articles as they are
published, go to
click on 'Join or leave the list (or change settings)', and follow
the instructions.
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University of Alabama: