Introduction and greeting
Sat, 3 Dec 1994 02:31:29 PST
Hi! My name is John Bires, I am a Senior TV,Film major at Biola University.
I wanted to say hello to everyone and say that I am looking forward to the
information that's passed through this list. As far as my future goes, I
hope to enter into the field of Sound for Motion Pictures somewhere in
editing or mixing. However at school here we do a lot more to get our own
films and videos off the ground. We have to be everything at any one time,
from director to camera operator to sound mixer. It keeps you learning all
the time. Our program is young but growing with a lot of intensity. I am
eager to hear what all goes on here, and am glad I'm on the list.
John Bires
MG-Darth Vato Rules!