looking for films that employ a fascist aesthetic
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 02:49:34 +0800
Hi everyone,
I'm devoting three screenings that illustrate the fascist aesthetic.
Beginning with Triumph of the Will, my THIRD film will be Brazil (as an
illustration of the way the carnivalesque is used to satirize the fascist
aesthetic). I'm looking for a SECOND film that will show the influence of
Triumph on mainstream cinema. Star Wars would be the obvious example, but
I'd much rather show something else. I thought of Starship Troopers, but
that's a little satirical already, and I was looking for something a little
more straight-faced. Any thoughts, anyone?
Thanks much,
There is a picture by Paul Klee called Angelus Novus. In it an angel is
depicted who appears as if trying to distance himself from something at
which he is staring. His eyes and mouth gape wide, his wings are stressed to
their limit. The Angel of History must look this way; he has turned to face
tbe past. Where we see a constant chain of events, he sees only a single
catastrophe incessantly piling ruin upon ruin and hurling them at his feet.
He would probably like to stay, waken the dead, and correct the devastation;
but a storm is blowing hard from Paradise, and - caught in his wings - it is
so strong he can no longer close them. While the debris piles ever higher
before his eyes the storm drives him without pause into tho future to which
his back is turned. That which we call Progress is this storm. - Walter
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