Thu, 31 May 2001 06:45:35 -0400
Ulrike Ottinger's The Mirror Image of Dorian Gray in the Yellow Press
includes a staging of David's Marat Assassine, as does Monika Treut's Lady
Cruel. In Salut Cousin, the main character becomes part of a Frida Kahlo
painting when he goes to a peep show.
Barbara Mennel
t 04:44 PM 5/30/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Would love names of films that feature paintings as part of their
>fiction, especially when the painting is being enacted, like A ZED AND
>TWO NOUGHTS, PASSION (Godard), and a short film by Susan Seidelman where
>a character enters a Dutch painting.
>Thanks in advance. Ruth Perlmutter
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