Deadline Extended for FLOW Special Issue CFP -- Essentials, Dilemmas, & ProTips: Teaching Media Studies (2/26)
Mon, 22 Feb 2021 16:33:40 -0500
Call for Papers: Flow Volume 27 Special Issue
“Essentials, Dilemmas, & ProTips: Teaching Media Studies”
Since Flow’s last pedagogy-focused special issue, 2015’s “Public and
Digital Pedagogies
our collective teaching tools have become increasingly digitized. Within
media studies and related fields, teaching with media content presents
unique pedagogical challenges related to digitization, transcription,
copyright, platforms, audio/visual quality, and content warnings,
especially in an online environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has prioritized
the skills and insights of online educators, and required face-to-face
instructors to learn how to teach in a new medium. In June 2020, national
#BlackLivesMatter protests also brought attention to how diversity and
activism are valued within the academy, and urged educators to consider
trauma-informed approaches to support students. Online groups and hashtags
abound for educators to discuss concerns and share resources. Many of these
forums have grown in popularity over the past year, but the collaborative
spirit in which educators supported one another with knowledge of new
tools, shared teaching materials and best practices, and reflected on their
experiences is one we hope will continue. This special issue of Flow asks
media studies educators to consider the fundamental strategies of their
teaching, key issues they face, and their most useful tips in order to
showcase a media studies’ approach to pedagogy.
Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:
Inclusive Pedagogy
Scholarly Networks & Crowdsourcing
The Limits of Media Literacy Training
Assignments, Activities, & Assessment
Department and Curriculum Innovations
The Syllabus: De-colonization & Accessibility
Centering global and non-US/UK Media Studies
Canvas, Blackboard, and other 3rd Party Platforms
Incorporating Race, Gender, Class across Curricula
Labor and Service in Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
Valuing Academic Activism, Public Pedagogy, and Service Learning
Personal Reflections on Teaching during COVID-19, and/or of Media
Studies Pedagogy
To be considered for this issue, please submit a completed short column of
1200-1500 words, along with at least three images (.gif or .png) or
embeddable audiovisual material(s). Video essays and podcast episodes will
also be accepted for review, though publication is not guaranteed.We also
encourage you to consider other interactive or digital forms but recommend
that you contact the co-managing editors to discuss if Flow will be able to
host such content. Feel free to show off your creativity and ingenuity!
To submit: Send your column, media files (with image credits), and a short
bio, to Maggie Steinhauer and Nathan Rossi at [log in to unmask]
by Friday, February 19th, 2021. Friday, February 26th (deadline extension).
Please feel free to contact the managing editors with any questions about
the issue or the extended deadline. The Special Issue will be published at <> on Friday, March 12th, 2021.
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite