Call for Papers: The Journal of American Culture from Blackwell Publishing
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 08:52:49 -0600
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of American Culture
The Journal of American Culture is seeking contributors. In keeping with
its long-standing tradition, the journal will showcase articles on the
Americas, especially those addressing broad and substantive cultural issues.
While The Journal of American Culture frequently will include research on
entertainment media and the popular arts that so effectively characterize
life in the Americas in the twenty-first century, it also will provide a
steady and wide-ranging forum for aesthetic, historical, sociological, and
ethical inquiries into the diverse cultures of the Americas, representing
various times, places, and orientations. The journal is meant to be a
useful resource, with articles written in accessible language and
reflecting interdisciplinary approaches and comparative analyses that will
be of interest to the American Culture Association's diverse membership.
In order to publish in the journal, you must be a member of either the
American Culture Association or the Popular Culture Association. Authors
should submit papers in current MLA style with a works cited page and a
minimum of endnotes. Please send two copies of the paper to the journals'
editors for the peer-review process, and include a self-addressed, stamped
envelope if you want them returned. Upon acceptance of your work, you will
be asked to submit the material electronically via e-mail attachment or on
disk in PC/IBM format.
This journal has a long and distinguished history. We are proud to accept
responsibility for carrying it forward. Come join us and together we will
continue to ensure that The Journal of American Culture is the definitive
journal in its field.
Kathy Merlock Jackson and William M. Jones, Editors
Virginia Wesleyan College
1584 Wesleyan Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502-5599
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