TELLURIDE IndieFest 2K - DEADLINE Approaching ("Call For Entries")
Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:51:59 -0600
Press Release: June 18, 2000
(Greetings From Planet Telluride!)
We want to remind you of our "Call for Entries" DEADLINE on June 30, 2000.
Please Note: If you enter Telluride IndieFest *before* July 1
(2000), you will *save* $10.00 on your entry fee.
------------- Enter Online!
As well, we are encouraging everyone to enter *online* (via the
festival's web site) at:
for it greatly simplifies the entire entry process!
Please Note: We are *limiting* entries for Telluride IndieFest 2K to
1000 (total of all films, videos, and screenplays) - so, get involved
before we *close* the event to any further entries!
FINAL Entry Deadline: August 1, 2000 (or, once we receive 1000 entries).
We look forward to receiving and previewing your entries!
Film & Write On,
Michael Carr
Director: Telluride IndieFest
Showing the *best* of independent cinema, short films and
documentaries from around the world, and showcasing *outstanding*
screenwriting achievements!
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: