Re: Crime and bonding
Thu, 7 Apr 1994 13:26:49 +1000
Try Polanski's/Shakespeare's *Macbeth*
>From: "Eric D. Somer" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: crime and bonding
>I am working on an analysis of crime committed by couples in motion pictures.
>This area seems to get special treatment in comparison with criminal acts
>perpetrated by individuals. I am interested in any examples, i.e. male/male,
>female/female, male/female. I will be examining how the bonding is linked to
>the crime. Any sources or suggested films would be appreciated.
>Eric Somer
>Central Michigan University
Errol Vieth
Department of Communication and Media Studies/ Faculty of Arts
University of Central Queensland
e-mail [log in to unmask]
phone + 61 79 309 502
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