Re: Crooklyn
Wed, 18 May 1994 09:09:33 U
Mail*Link(r) SMTP RE>>Crooklyn
>>About the mike stands, etc. How often did they appear during the film?
>>Once or twice may be excusable: I notice technical flaws like that in
>>films from time to time. But more than that would be sloppy. And were
>>they just barely out of frame or were they like in plain view? One poster
>>didn't notice them at all, which made me think that they may not be so
>>noticable at some theaters, depending on projection. Case in point is
>>when I saw _Breaking Away_ years ago, and noticed the boom mike at the top
>>of the screen in one scene. When on TV a few years later, the mike was
>>Stephen Hart, Florida State Univ.
Stephen brings up a good point. The way a shot is blocked and framed during
production sometimes takes into account that border masking will be added
later, either during post production, using the masks at the threater or
added when put to video. Occasionally, a masking error occurs (usually at
theaters that don't mask properly). Interestingly, because the aspect ratio
between a theater screen (what the shot is intended for) and that of TV are
different, some funny things happen. In BONNE AND CLYDE, there is a scene
where Faye Dunaway appears discreetly without much clothes. Some of this was
accomplished with masking. When this was converted to video, using pan &
scan, the masking was removed to accommodate the squarer picture. Needless
to say, this version showed a bit more of Faye than she intended.