CFP: Video Game Workshop
Sat, 6 Sep 2014 13:14:00 +0000
Playing Medieval--A Festive Video Game Workshop and Poster Session
There will be two types of stations for this session.
(1) One type will be a multi-lead station that will explore pedagogical possibilities of playing medievalist video games, and will be involving real-time playing of a selected medievalist videogame. Game Leaders are needed to help select a particular game in advance of the conference, to set-up several avatars to be ready for use by inexperienced gamer-scholars. Presenters should be prepared to play some of the game in advance of the conference (online) and to prepare a questionare for session attendees to complete. Proposals to be a Game Leader should include a list of possible games, levels of experience playing them, and research interests.
(2) Individually run stations: each presentation will be conducted at a station that will entail both some sort of "poster" (a literal cardboard poster or a presentation that can be viewed on a laptop or hand-held device). Proposals are invited on either medievalist video games under analysis or medievalist video games under design.
SESSION OF PAPERS: The Neomedieval Image
Paper proposals are invited that explore digital iconographic imagery of the medieval, particularly the neomedieval. How does he content of such images represent the medieval? What makes it uniquely neomedieval? What are some typical, or more common, depictions? Are there distinctions between Iconology and Iconography in medievalism, in neomedievalism? What about the "authenticity" of such iconography? Explorations of genres, themes, motifs, and tropes are encouraged.
MEMO at the
50th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University)
(May 14-17, 2015)
Submit proposals or queries to:
Carol L. Robinson ([log in to unmask])
Abstracts of roughly 300 words and completed Participant Information Form must be submitted by September 15, 2014
Carol L. Robinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
English Coordinator
Kent State University—Trumbull
Home Page:
Visit Dr. Robinson's Cyberplayground!
Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: