Reader or Professor in Film Studies- University of St Andrews
Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:59:39 +0000
The Department of Film Studies at the University of St Andrews is seeking to appoint a Reader or Professor in Film Studies. The successful candidate will have an outstanding international reputation for research in Film Studies. She or he will conduct research, supervise and teach both graduate and undergraduate students, and undertake standard administrative tasks.
To make informal enquiries about this position, please contact Professor Robert Burgoyne ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) or Professor Dina Iordanova ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)
Closing Date: 9 January 2014
Start Date: September 2014 (or by negotiation)
Further details and particulars can be found: & here:
Dr Leshu Torchin
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies
Department of Film Studies
University of St Andrews
101a North Street
St Andrews, UK
KY16 9AD
Tel: 44 (0) 1334 467 476
As a member of the University and College Union, I am working to contract for an indefinite period from Friday 1st November. This is in an attempt to bring my employers back to the negotiating table over the 2013 pay claim. More information on the dispute may be found at
Creating the Witness: Documenting Genocide on Film, Video, and the Internet<> (University of Minnesota Press, November 2012) <>
Film Festival Yearbook 4: Film Festivals and Activism<> (ed. Dina Iordanova and Leshu Torchin, St Andrews Film Studies, 2012)>
Moving People, Moving Images: Cinema and Trafficking in the New Europe <> (with William Brown and Dina Iordanova, St Andrews Film Studies, 2010)<>
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC013532
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite