Virtual Q&A:Movies for Television
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 18:25:23 GMT
Hello All,
You're invited to attend the E-script Virtual Q & A, an
opportunity to pose questions to top industry professionals. The
current guest is TV producer Ken Raskoff, senior V.P. at Dove
Four Point and former Director of Movies for Television, NBC
Entertainment. The topic: "Writing and Producing Movies of the
To post your question on either the creative or business aspects
of the Movie of the Week (and find out more about Ken Raskoff's
extraordinary list of credits), visit the E-script website at
>. Or e-mail it directly to E-script at
[log in to unmask] Questions will be taken through June
28th; Mr. Raskoff's answers will be posted in early July, and
become a permanent feature of the E-script website.
E-script is a not-for-profit organization run by writers for
writers, offering online playwriting and screenwriting workshops.
Frank Moher
Executive Director
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