Velvet Light Trap Issue 58 - Call for Papers, Narrative & Storytelling
Tue, 12 Apr 2005 15:01:33 -0500
>> NUMBER 58, FALL 2006
>>Narrative & Storytelling
>>Much has been written about the industrial implications of mass media
>>conglomeration, the rise of digital technologies, and media
>>convergence. How can media studies begin to talk about changes in
>>narrative conventions of Hollywood cinema and established television
>>genres in relationship to shifting industrial practices, social mores
>>and political climates? As narratives become more intertextual,
>>hypertextual, and transmediated, how can we master them sufficiently
>>to study them academically? Have new technologies helped media
>>producers to rewrite old rules, creating more challenging and distinct
>>media spectacles? How can contemporary narrative conventions and
>>storytelling techniques be theorized as imitations and innovations of
>>old standards? How do storytelling techniques emerge in relation to
>>viewer experiences and industrial imperatives?
>> The Velvet Light Trap invites papers that explore social,
>> industrial,
>>textual, and audience-centered questions about narrative and
>>storytelling techniques in the media from both historical and
>>contemporary perspectives.
>>Possible topics may include (but are not limited to):
>>• Classical/post-classical debates about film form
>>• Narrative strategies in relation to industrial imperatives
>>• Narrative comprehension and the serial form
>>• Non-fiction narratives
>>• Evolutionary psychology and human predisposition to narrative
>>• Processes of narrative comprehension in the spectator
>>• Role of the audience in the construction of narrative
>>• Forms that challenge the boundaries of narration
>>• Canon, revisionism, and re-imaginings
>>• New forms/innovations in narrative style
>>• World-building, spatiality, and temporality in the narrative universe
>>• Evolution of narrative forms within television genres
>>• Analyses of texts that challenge dominant conventions of storytelling
>>• Storytelling in a transitional media era
>>• Storytelling as a cultural practice
>>• Secondary/ancillary texts and their impact in understanding narrative
>>• Narrative structures
>>• Series, sequels, and spin-offs
>>• Transmedia storytelling
>>• Cultural convergence
>>• Video game narratives
>>• National cinemas and storytelling practices
>>• Genre experiments
>>• Avant-garde film narratives
>>Papers should be between 6,000 and 7,500 words (approximately 20-25
>>pages double-spaced), in MLA style with a cover page including the
>>writer's name and contact information. Please send four copies of the
>>paper (including a one-page abstract with each copy) in a format
>>suitable to be sent to a reader anonymously. All submissions will be
>>refereed by the journal's Editorial Advisory Board. For more
>>information or questions, contact Ben Aslinger ([log in to unmask]),
>>Derek Johnson ([log in to unmask]), Caryn Murphy
>>([log in to unmask]), or Brad Schauer ([log in to unmask]).
>>Submissions are due September 1, 2005, and should be sent to:
>>The Velvet Light Trap
>>University of Wisconsin Madison
>>Department of Communication Arts
>>821 University Avenue
>>Madison, WI USA 53706-1497
>>The Velvet Light Trap is an academic, peer-reviewed journal of film
>>and television studies. Issues are coordinated alternately by
>>graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
>>University of Texas-Austin. The Editorial Board includes such notable
>>scholars as Charles Acland, Peter Bloom, David Foster, Sean Griffin,
>>Bambi Haggins, Heather Hendershot, Charlie Keil, Michele Malach, Dan
>>Marcus, Nina Martin, Tara McPherson, Walter Metz, Jason Mittell, James
>>Morrison, Steve Neale, Karla Oeler, Lisa Parks, and Malcolm Turvey.
>>You are currently subscribed to telecommies as: unknown lmsubst tag
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>Michele Hilmes
>Professor of Media and Cultural Studies
>Director, Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research
>Department of Communication Arts
>University of Wisconsin-Madison
>6040 Vilas Hall
>821 University Ave.
>Madison, WI 53706
>608-262-9953 fax
>The SCMS homepage:
>SCMSTV info and archive:
>SCMSTV is supported by the Telecommunication and Film Department, the
>University of Alabama: . Opinions expressed here do
>not necessarily represent the those of SCMS, the TCF Department, or the
>University of Alabama.
Michele Hilmes
Professor of Media and Cultural Studies
Director, Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research
Department of Communication Arts
University of Wisconsin-Madison
6040 Vilas Hall
821 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
608-262-9953 fax
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