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June 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"John G. Thomas" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:28:28 -0700
"John G. Thomas" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
        Mind you, I'm not totally SURE about this idea of televison and
time.  It is a theory I've considered for some time though.  I'm not sure
it is a question with an answer for everyone, like the abortion issue for
instance.  You'll probably never get everyone to agree on it.
        But, the time aspect seems quite important.  Especially the
"slice of time" idea and that this slice will never appear again.  (Sort
of cosmic!)  I'm just trying to look at TV primarily as a delivery
system, rather than a independent medium.
        Film, especially feature films, seem to live somewhere else.
Except for future sale to TV, the length is pretty much open-ended.  The
format(a TV word BTW), is non-structured, and so forth.  Also, in terms
of time, the film(supposedly), is something that *should* last forever on
its own.
        Of course TV is used as a creative form of expression too, but it
still lives in that "time" place, generally.  Nowdays I think were seeing
a hybred with some of the stuff Ted Turner is doing.  Sometimes very
classy and creative films made just to show on TNT.  I don't want to
confuse these with your typical MOW's geared mainly to the "women 24 to
45" demographic...the "...Oh, he kidnapped my child!" stuff.
        And, to reply to Dave Trautman's comments about US TV on Canadian
TV:  I think the "hollywood" way of making films shouldn't be seen as a
threat.  They have a way of making films that is very specialized and
professional, and of course, expensive too.  Hollywood makes Chevys and
France makes Renaults, that's all.  True, it may hurt local filmmakers
because its hard to compete with the commercial aspects of U.S. films
that most audiences love.  I remember being in Paris when "Jaws" (Les
Dents de la Mer") opened.  Although French cinema is supported by the
state and admissions are underwritten, "Jaws" had lines up and down the
block.  Despite large taxes imposed on the U.S. Films.  But still, France
has one of the world's most vibrant and creative film industries.
            "52% of all spousal murders are committed by women."
                                   (Natl. Institutes of Health)
---------------->from John G. Thomas ([log in to unmask]) <-------------------